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Monday, August 22, 2011

Lunch Time Reduced

Presently, the lunch time for the students extends from 12.00 noon to 1.00 pm. The management decided to reduce it to 30 minutes. i.e.from 12.00 to12.30. The college closes by 2.30 pm. instead of 3.00 pm. This comes into effect from 29th August. 

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Birth Day Of JSC

Today Aug 10th is the actual birth day of JSC. Today is the beginning of the 25th year. Only this day people(GT,RSS, JayaSudarsan, Marudurar, Librarian, Britto, Mary, etc..) joined the college, which was located at block-10, and was a part of the boys school building. We only started the process of recruiting the Principal and other profs. I only made the first admission to the college. Her name was Sudha, admitted in I B.Sc. Computer Science. Now she is in US and her hubby is Ramesh,also in the same class, also in US. My first class room teaching started only in I B.Sc. Comp.Sci. Sweet memories....

 Let us all wish JSC for a tremendous growth.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Graduation Day 2011

It is proposed to conduct Graduation Day during the 2nd week of September 2011. Students those who passed out in 2009 and 2011 can participate. Interested can approach the office of JSC.